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  • Lovejoy Gear Couplings Group Photo

    Lovejoy Gear couplings are stocked in an assortment of configurations which included F and C standard hubs and sleeves, Mill Motor hubs, Vertical style, Floating Shaft, and Spacer designs. Lovejoy's superb engineering staff makes it possible to support many additional coupling types such as Brakedrum type, Sliding Hub type, Shear Pin type, Jordan type, and custom lengths for non standard shaft separations. Additional size ranges and designs to meet unusual application requirements can also be manufactured by Lovejoy to meet market demands. Material can range from standard steel to alloy steel and even stainless steel.

  • Grid Coupling Hubs - Inch Bore / Keyway, Horizontal & Vertical Cover Style

    Lovejoy is pleased to be able to provide quality grid couplings covering a large number of industry standard sizes and lengths. The Lovejoy grid style coupling has proven itself in performance and popularity over a wide range of applications.

    Lovejoy's grid style coupling design has demonstrated its ability to dampen vibration by as much as 30% and can cushion shock loads that could cause damage to both the driving and driven equipment. The tapered grid spring design absorbs impact energy by spreading the energy out over the full length of the grid spring thus reducing the magnitude of the torque spikes.

    The Lovejoy design uses a curved hub tooth profile which creates a progressive contact with the flexible grid spring as the application torque increases. This feature provides a more effective and efficient transmission of power in properly aligned couplings.

    Lovejoy's versatile design of industry standard hubs and grid springs for both horizontal and vertical cover styles allow Lovejoy couplings to be interchangeable with other industry standard grid couplings and components.

    Proper grid coupling installation and maintenance can add to a longer coupling life. Grid spring replacement is simple and can be performed at a fraction of the cost and time of a complete coupling.

  • Torsional Family Photo

    Lovejoy offers a wide range of torsional couplings engineered to solve torsional vibration problems found in diesel engine driven equipment and other applications where torsional vibrations are prevalent. These include all internal combustion engines, reciprocating pumps and compressors, as well as variable frequency drives (VFD).

    Lovejoy torsional coupling are designed to dampen torsional vibrations and tune, or adjust the system’s critical speeds away from the application’s operating range. With the proper information, Lovejoy engineers can perform a Torsional Vibration Analysis or TVA for your application to assist in the selection of a torsional coupling.