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Imperial/Inch HercuFlex® Gear Couplings Hubs for FXL (flanged style). The "L" in the name is for Labyrinth Seal. In extreme high contamination environments, Lovejoy has transformed the HercuFlex coupling to integrate an advanced seal design when performance degradation is not tolerable. This advanced gear coupling still encompasses the torque and misalignment capacities that make the HercuFlex coupling an industry leader. • Unequaled bore and torque capacity • 1.5° of misalignment per gear mesh • Improved fastener corrosion resistance • Advanced seal design intensifying contamination resistance • Interchangeable with standard AGMA flange interface
Unit of Measure




Hub Style

N/A Shroudded Bolt


N/A FXL Sleeves


N/A Alloy Steel


N/A Metallic


N/A Driver and Driven

Dimensional Data


N/A 5 in

Distance between Shaft Ends (Dimension BSE)

N/A 0.31 in7.9 mm

Dimension FD

N/A 15.31 in388.9 mm

Performance Data

Max. Speed (Unbalanced)

N/A 2500 rpm

Max. Speed (Balanced)

N/A 3,750 rpm

Nominal Torque

N/A 508,600 in·lb
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