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All Product Types > ENGINEERED BEARINGS > Mounted Bearings > Corrosion-Resistant Mounted Poly-Round® Plain Bearings > Corrosion-Resistant Round Flanged Mounted Bearings - Poly-Round® > View Items  
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Corrosion-Resistant Round Flanged Mounted Bearings - Poly-Round®

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  Results 326 - 336 of 336 Unit of Measure: Imperial Metric Both « 11 12 13 14 

Part Number

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Bearing Number

Housing Material

DoubleLock® Style


FEU4LKBFC210-32 2 in FE – Food Safe (Europe) FEU4LK210-32 Hygienic Blue Thermoset (Polymer) Standard
NAU4LKAFC210-32 2 in NA – Food Safe NAU4LK210-32 Machined Stainless Steel Standard
NAU4LKBFC210-32 2 in NA – Food Safe NAU4LK210-32 Hygienic Blue Thermoset (Polymer) Standard
ONU4LKAFC210-32 2 in ON – Metal detectable ONU4LK210-32 Machined Stainless Steel Standard
ONU4LKBFC210-32 2 in ON – Metal detectable ONU4LK210-32 Hygienic Blue Thermoset (Polymer) Standard
PAU4LKAFC210-32 2 in PA – Low Abrasion/Food Safe PAU4LK210-32 Machined Stainless Steel Standard
PAU4LKBFC210-32 2 in PA – Low Abrasion/Food Safe PAU4LK210-32 Hygienic Blue Thermoset (Polymer) Standard
QFU4LKAFC210-32 2 in QF – High Temp QFU4LK210-32 Machined Stainless Steel Standard
QFU4LKBFC210-32 2 in QF – High Temp QFU4LK210-32 Hygienic Blue Thermoset (Polymer) Standard
QFU4LKHEAFC210-32 2 in QF – High Temp QFU4LKHE210-32 Machined Stainless Steel HE – High Temp. Expansion
QFU4LKHVAFC210-32 2 in QF – High Temp QFU4LKHV210-32 Machined Stainless Steel HV – High Temp. Fixed
  Results 326 - 336 of 336 « 11 12 13 14 